Dragon 1/48 Ju88G-1 Nachtjäger

Junkers Ju88G-1 ‘NACHTJÄGER’ of 7. Staffel/NJG 2

Before the G-series all night fighter versions of the Ju88 were based on a modified A-series fuselage. The new G-series had a re-designed fuselage to better fit the demands of a night fighter. These changes included the removal of the lower defensive gondola from below the nose for less drag and also to lower weight. The Ju88A vertical tail unit was replaced with the larger and squarer Ju188 fin and rudder for better lateral stability. The G-1 was also fitted with the standard, more powerful armament consisting of four forward-firing 20mm cannon housed in a streamlined underbelly gun pack. Some G-1s had combinations of forward or upward firing cannon fitted to the nose but these caused a blinding muzzle flash for the pilot and so were not adopted. Some later G-1s were fitted with a pair of upward firing ‘Schräge Musik’ cannon behind the cockpit but not this early one.

The subject of this model is an early production G-1 (W.Nr. 712273) from 7./NJG 2 piloted by Obergefreiter Hans Mäckle. At 04.25 hours on the 13th July 1944 Mäckle, after getting completely lost and flying a reciprocal course, landed on the emergency landing strip at Woodbridge, Suffolk thinking he was near Berlin. The capture of one of Germany’s latest night fighters, being intact and fully equipped with the latest radar and radio, meant that this valuable prize was extensively tested and photographed which makes it a great subject for the modeller.


Cockpit interior with a bit of extra detail consisting of scratch built safety harnesses made from lead foil and fine copper wire, hydraulic lines added to the rudder pedals made from fine solder wire and a new scratch-built headrest was added to the radio operator’s seat.

Main undercarriage with fine solder brake and hydraulic lines added and a bit of hinge detail added to the oleo scissors and retraction arm attachment. All tyres, including the tail wheel, were given flat spots before being painted and fixed in place.

Next big job was to replace the kit Lichtenstein SN-2 radar dipoles with much finer and cleaner examples made using Albion Alloys SFT2 telescoping brass tube and wire and .040″ plastic rod from Evergreen. For a bit of added strength the end of each dipole was drilled and a short length of brass wire was glued in place. A corresponding hole was drilled in the mounting points on each of the main radar arms and, using CA glue, each mast was firmly fixed in place.

The kit’s wing mounted FuG 227 Flensburg antennae masts, pitot tube and FuG 16 antenna were all replaced with scratch-built items made using brass wire, tube and plastic rod.

All the dangley bits painted, weathered and waiting to be attached. The crew access door on the left was later replaced with a better detailed scratch-built one.

This is my interpretation of factory-applied German night fighter camouflage—RLM76 Light Blue under surfaces and vertical tail, with solid RLM75 Grey-Violet on all horizontal upper surfaces. The upper surfaces were then given various cross hatch, squiggle and lattice patterns of RLM76 Blue. In some factories and sometimes in the field other colours were added to this upper scheme using various patterns and colours. Even though the description of this type of scheme is usually described as being a mottle of Grey-Violet applied over the top of an overall Light Blue base I think my interpretation is right. Note also that my application of the upper colours is fairly patchy.

Upper surface cammo now complete and weathering has begun.

The undersurfaces were fairly heavily weathered as per a very clear photo of the inner wings and central fuselage of this aircraft. This was applied using a fine paint brush but mainly with my old Aztek airbrush.

Decals and heavy exhaust staining added to upper and lower surfaces.

FuG 227 Flensburg radar detector antennae on the starboard wing. These masts picked up the RAF bombers Monica I.F.F. transmissions and greatly aided the German pilots in locating and homing in on their targets. The port wing was only fitted with the leading edge mast.

Close-up of port engine weathering. Also notice the dark yellow/orange lens on the landing light and the rough overspray of RLM76 over the black centres of the underwing and fuselage balkenkreuz.

Dirty belly.

Starboard engine cowl and oily exhaust staining of this dirty bird.


Dragon 1/48 Junkers Ju188E-1 ‘Rächer’

Ju188E-1 ‘Rächer’

I built this one back in 1994 and it was finished in the markings of an aircraft from KG6, Erprobungstaffel.

If I remember correctly most of the lower surfaces were painted first. They were sprayed with a coat of flat black that had a few drops of red brown added. Panel lines were highlighted by carefully spraying them with pure flat black. The upper surfaces of the model were then given a hard edge splinter cammo scheme of RLM70/71 greens. Over the top of this a very carefully sprayed lattice pattern of RLM76 light blue was applied. This pattern varied, being heavier on horizontal surfaces of the wings and tail. A much finer pattern was applied to the fuselage, engine cowls and vertical tail. The lower surface black mix was then carried on up the sides of the fuselage and engine cowls overlapping the 76 lattice at the desired demarkation lines.

The BMW radial engines used on Ju88 and 188 aircraft always seemed to run very dirty. The heavy exhaust stains on the upper and lower wing and tail surfaces were added using a very thin mix of about 20% flat black and 80% red brown. These were built up gradually and were heavier along panel lines and around any hatches. Any chips or scratches were applied with a Prismacolor silver pencil.


Hasegawa 1/32 FW 190 D-9

Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 of JG 2, flown by Fw. Werner Hohenburg of 4/JG 2.

Hohenburg was shot down in this D-9 by antiaircraft artillery after attacking St Trond airfield during Operation Bodenplatte on January 1st 1945.

Hohenburg, who carried out two hundred combat sorties and achieved thirty three victories, survived being shot down and spent the remainder of the war as a POW.

I built this model back in 2003 and, as it has always been a favourite of mine, thought it was time for a bit of a tidy-up and to take some new pics.

The prop blades were dirtied up with a patchy dusting of very thin Tamiya XF- 57 Buff and then spots and streaks of RLM70 Black Green.

In the original build the fuselage crosses and the tail swastika (as per reference photos) were given a very light overspray of RLM76. I now thought this looked a bit too light so they were darkened up by giving them a careful spray of my black/brown mix, being very careful to just soften the edges a little.

The pics were given a bit of extra grain using Photoshop.


REVELL 1/32 Me Bf109 G-10 Erla

Erla built Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 of 2/JG27

Red 13 of 2./JG27, Schwerin-Görries/ Germany, mid April 1945. Claes Sundin (whose beautiful illustration of this aircraft was my main inspiration for this build) states “that this Bf 109 G-10 was found intact, belly-landed in a field. The W.Nr. on its rudder is a qualified guess as it is known that the Gruppen flew this type of G-10 from the 151XXX block and some of them were camouflaged in this overall scheme of RLM 81/82. This machine had been quoted as being Black 13 however, by this time, 2./JG 27 was only using red tactical numbers.” Claes may be wrong about the red 13 but I think it looks great on this scheme.

Build shots

Cockpit with a fair bit of extra detail added. The very ordinary kit rudder pedals were replaced with the much better items from the Hasegawa G-10 kit.

Kit joystick with some extra detail added.

Cockpit painted and weathered with the beautiful HGW micro fibre fabric seatbelts added to the seat.

Interior installed. Decals for the instrument dials were sourced from an old Hasegawa 109 decal sheet. Each dial face was cut out and applied separately.

Revi gunsight from the Hasegawa 109G-10 kit (with a bit of extra detail added) was used in place of the underwhelming kit offering.

The kit’s chin radiator is way too shallow so I replaced it with the corresponding deeper part from the Hasegawa 109 kit.

The kit’s very narrow exhaust stacks were replaced with the broader Hasegawa offering. This required a bit of surgery to make them fit which included thinning of the exhaust shrouds, which I was going to do anyway. Also the end of each stack was carefully hollowed out.

A new push rod for the rudder’s trim tab made from brass wire and tube replaced the kit part. The fine wire loop near the top of the tail fin makes for a very secure attachment point for the radio antenna wire. A corresponding loop was added to the fuselage just behind the cockpit opening for attaching the other end of the wire.

The small scoops on either side of the nose were very carefully hollowed out using my motor tool and a sharp scalpel blade. Note also rivets added to spinner.

This shot shows the initial application of the cammo colours and the JG27 green Reich Defence band. Weathering is also well underway and you can also see that the entire model has been riveted.

Decals have now been applied but as I couldn’t find any appropriate decals for the fuselage Balkenkreuz and red 13, I cut masks and sprayed them on. The speculative W.Nr. on the tail was made by cutting individual numbers from the kit decal sheet. The insulators on the antenna wire were made by cutting 2.5mm lengths of 0.5mm x 0.3mm brass tube and threading onto the nylon mono filament. Once in position each one was secured with a tiny drop of CA glue.

Patchy bare metal lower wings with wingtips, ailerons and horizontal tail surfaces in RLM76. All weathered with my black/brown mix.

Open canopy securing strap and spring were made from very fine copper and brass wire. Securing loops for the radio antenna wire and safety harness buckles were also made from fine wire. DF loop was made from a narrow strip of flat P/E brass from the spares box.


Given the black and white treatment to try and match my B/W reference photo shows how it could easily be interpreted as black or red “13”.

Paints used:

Gunze Sangyo Aqueous Hobby Color- H-65 RLM70 Black Green, H-70 RLM02 Grey, H-417 RLM76 Light Blue, H-421 RLM81 Brown Violet, H-422 RLM82 Light Green.

Tamiya Acrylic- XF-1 Flat Black, XF-2 Flat White, X-18 Semi Gloss Black, XF-24 Dark Grey, XF-64 Red Brown.

Tamiya Lacquer- LP-70 Gloss Aluminum.

Winsor & Newton Galleria- Matt Varnish

1/32 Special Hobby Fieseler Fi 103 (FZG 76) / V-1


At sites in northern France, on the night of 12 June 1944, the first Vergeltungswaffen (V-1s) were pushed onto their launching rails. At midnight they were launched and, with their pulse jet engines crackling, set course for London.


First thing I did before the fuselage/engine halves were glued together was to drill out the access hole on the vertical tail fin and remove the moulded-on support bracket detail from the engine’s blast tube. New internal and external bracket detail was added using various Evergreen plastic strip and rod. In hindsight I wish I had removed the engine from the fuselage mounts before the halves were joined. Adding detail and clean up would have been a lot easier.

Air filling connection valve(?) was added using brass tube. The kit’s moulded connection bolts (one of which can be seen near the bottom of frame) were removed and replaced with more detailed ones made using Evergreen rod.

Close-up showing added internal vertical tail and engine bracket detail. You can also see in this shot that the engine has been separated from the vertical tail. This was done after the two halves were glued together. A very tedious exercise which, as I said previously, would have been a lot easier if done earlier. The kit also comes with a tubular FuG 23-transmitter moulded to the end of the fuselage below the rudder. I wasn’t happy with this so I cut it off and drilled out the hole it would have been protruding from.

A pitot tube was added to the front engine mount.

A new impact switch and air log prop were added to the nose. This was made using a piece of shaped plastic rod and some strips of scrap P/E. Detail for the two mechanical impact fuse pockets on the top of the warhead section was added by drilling them out and gluing in appropriate lengths of smaller diameter plastic rod. You can also see in this shot some of the scratch built connection bolts that replaced the rather inadequate moulded kit offerings.

The angled control arms for the elevator spoilers can be seen here. I forgot to photograph this addition before the model was completed. This shot also shows the rudder control pushrod. This was made using telescoping brass rod and tube and replaced the flat P/E kit part.

Here I’ve cropped one of the main shots to show the hollowed out end of the port elevator and the tip of its hinge pin.

The completed TW-76 transport trolly. Lots of extra details were added to this which included lots of bolt heads, wheel axles, steerable front wheels and a new telescopic towing handle.

Construction complete and waiting for paint.

Transportwagen 76 finished, painted and weathered and with new handle added.


A late inclusion. This shot of the undersurfaces shows that the section holding the warhead was obviously manufactured and painted in a different facility. This is a common feature and can be seen in quite a few subject photos.

Airfix 1/72 Short Sunderland Mk. III (converted to a Mk. I)


On the afternoon of April 9th 1940 this aircraft from No. 210 Squadron RAF took off from Invergordon, Scotland to make a reconnaissance flight over the Oslo area of Norway to gather information on German movements after their recent attack. They were quickly spotted by the Germans at the captured Fornebu Airport, near Oslo, and from there two Messerschmitt Bf 110’s of 1./ZG 76 were scrambled to intercept. The pilots of the 110’s were Staffelkapitän Werner Hansen and Leutnant Helmut Lent. Lent later became a highly successful night fighter ace. The two shot down the Sunderland with Hansen receiving credit for the victory. All but one of the Sunderland’s crew were lost in the action which sadly included my best friend Bill Young’s uncle, Sgt Pilot Jack Clifford Carpenter. Bill has made a documentary called ‘A Very Short War’ about this event which has been screened several times over the years on Australian television and is really worth a look if you get the chance.

I have done a little bit of photoshopping to this pic. I’ve made the props look as though they’re spinning and, if you look closely, you can just see Uncle Cliff having a quick look at us from the navigator’s astrodome.

The conversion from a Mk. III to a Mk. I

The first step in this conversion was to backdate the later smoother planing hull bottom to the earlier stepped design. Unfortunately I was so consumed when carrying out this work that I forgot to take any W.I.P. photos. All I can say is that it turned out to be easier than I thought thanks to the thickness of this old kit’s plastic and after a fair bit of cutting, filing and sanding only a few areas needed filling with plastic card and a bit of putty. This was all done before the fuselage halves were glued together but they were frequently dry fitted through the process to assure the proper alignment of my work. Well, near enough anyway. I did do it all by eye.

Next step was to cut the two teardrop-shaped holes for the mid upper gun positions. Some internal detail was added using Evergreen plastic rod, card and shapes. There is some really good photographic reference of this detail if you wanted to go nuts but I chose to keep it fairly simple.

Painted interior green with the spare K gun mags painted metallic black.

Some detail added to the cockpit side walls again using Evergreen rod and strip and some fine solder wire. Also note that plastic strip has been added to the top of the mounting rails for the cockpit floor. This was done to raise the main interior to a more accurate level.

This detail will never be seen but I know it’s there and now so do you.

I did go a bit overboard with the main cockpit detail but it was quite a lot of fun to do.

Instrument panel and throttle quadrant. The instruments are from an old 1/72 P51 decal sheet with multiple sets of markings. Decals for two panels were cut up to fit the space.

Painted with safety harnesses added. The Sutton harnesses were cut from 0.13 Evergreen plastic sheet which is quite malleable as long as it’s not too old.


Bomb aimer’s window. The rectangle of white plastic should be clear. I’ll paint it to look that way later.

A new front door was cut from plastic card and glued over the very faintly moulded kit detail. This shot also shows the round Tamiya tape masks covering all the hull windows. The kit windows are too large so the masks were cut about 0.5 mm smaller in diameter. I think they should be even a bit smaller than that.

The dorsal cut-outs and the top turret hole filled. Also note the small, round observation windows cut into the spine. These were painted black and a corresponding disc of clear acetate was added after the main paint job was done.

The covers for the dorsal gun positions cut from 0.25 mm plastic card.

Some hinge and trim tab detail was added to the rudder.

The nose turret needed beefing up. This was done by covering the entire kit part with 0.5 mm plastic card and sanding it to the right shape.

These are the two Vickers K guns for the upper fuselage cutouts. They are made from various bits of Evergreen rod and strip with gun sights made from very fine wire. They are very small.

The quad Browning for the tail turret and the single Vickers for the nose. I did manage to snap the barrel off the Vickers gun pretty early on, so I replaced it with a much sturdier metal version.

The metal version.

Guns and covers in place and a bit of the interior is just visible.

The kit’s prop blades were added to new, more accurate hubs and much stronger shafts.

The bombs and bomb racks with a bit of extra detail added.

Bombs painted and ready to be attached to their bomb racks.

The tail’s beaching trolley with a bit of extra detail added.

Most of the fiddly bits painted, weathered and ready for installation.

Painted, weathered and waiting for decals (thanks Brett). This shot also shows the more accurate early engine exhausts which I made using 2.5 mm plastic rod. It was at about this point of the build that I realised the kit did not include the Pegasus engines’ supercharger intakes. So I made four by cutting up a row of 1/32 Me 109 exhaust stacks that I found in my spares box. I reshaped them a bit, attached one under each engine cowl and painted them silver. Looks a lot better than nothing.


Hasegawa 1/32 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6


Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 as flown by Lt. Erich Hartmann, Staffelkapitän of 9./JG 52, Russia, October 1943.

I completed this model about 20 years ago and thought it was about time for a revamp. This was achieved mainly by tidying up and redoing the main weathering. The wing roots were first to receive attention. A thin, patchy spray of my red-brown mix was applied to replicate exhaust staining and general grime. When this had dried completely the scratches and rivet details were added using a very sharp PRISMACOLOR silver pencil.

The starboard side didn’t receive as much scratching but I did add a bit more exhaust staining and a scratch-built starter crank handle. Also visible in this shot is the open canopy restraining wire which is part of the original build.

High shot showing cammo and weathering. Not sure why the faint, skinny crosses were sprayed in the centre of the upper wing national markings. Perhaps they were applied as an aid for the original painters to align the stencils when they sprayed the main  markings. As I said, I’m not really sure but this feature is quite visible in the famous picture of Hartmann leaning against the port side of this plane.

Some extra grime was added to the under surfaces as part of my refurbishment.














Hasegawa 1/32 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A8 R2


Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8/R2 as flown by Leutnant Klaus Bretschneider, 5./JG 300, Erfurt, Germany, October 1944.

I made this model 18 years ago, and since it has only appeared on Brett’s web site (in relatively small format photos) I thought it was time to re-photograph it and post some much larger, more detailed images here. I have done a bit of a clean up of the model, and since more pics have come to my attention, I corrected some of the paint work and weathering. This includes a more accurate spinner spiral, paint chipping and dirt on the wing roots and under surfaces. Also in one photo of this plane I think it shows that the radio antenna wire retraction mechanism was disconnected and so, with the canopy open, the wire is just hanging slack. But as I had fixed the canopy so well, and I’m not 100% sure about this detail, I decided to leave it as is.

More dirt and chipping on the starboard wing root.

Extra soot around the shell ejection chutes and along selected panel lines on the belly.




  1. Before construction commenced rivets were added to the exterior surfaces.
  2. The kit-supplied belly tank was replaced with the more correct part from Hasegawa’s Me 109 G6 kit. Plumbing, stability pins and braces were added to the tank and the mounting rack using brass wire, plastic rod and stretched sprue.
  3. The 30mm shell ejector chutes on the lower wing were cut open and the outer 20mm chutes were closed off.
  4. Brass tube was added to the wing leading edges to represent the 30mm cannon barrels. The tips of the kit’s plastic 20mm cannon barrels were hollowed out using the point of a new scalpel blade.
  5. All tyres were flat spotted and the tail wheel structure was modified so it would sit in a slightly more retracted position.
  6. Plumbing and wiring was added to the main undercarriage legs and actuator arms using lead wire and fine copper wire.
  7. The tailwheel retraction wire seen attached to the starboard undercarriage retraction arm was made from stretched sprue.
  8. Flaps were modified so they would sit in a more realistic 2/3rd closed position.
  9. The kit’s thick plastic D/F loop was replaced with a metal staple that was straightened and then bent to shape.
  10. The plastic FuG antenna mast was replaced with a piece of finer diameter brass wire cut to the appropriate length.
  11. The whip antenna wire at the end of the Morane mast was replaced with much finer brass wire.
  12. The pitot tube was replaced with Albion Alloys telescoping brass tube.
  13. Landing gear retraction indicators were added to the top of the wings using fine brass wire.
  14. Armour plates were added to the fuselage sides below the windshield and the cockpit. These were cut from .020″ plastic sheet and had all their edges bevelled as per my reference pics.
  15. The cowl gun troughs were filled with pieces of shaped plastic rod.
  16. Bracing wires were added to the back of the armoured headrest using black nylon mono filament (invisible mending thread).
  17. Finally the radio antenna wire was added. Before the rear canopy section was attached a small hole was drilled in front of the aerial pulley wheel housing and a longer than needed length of nylon mono filament was threaded through. The end was then fed through a hole that had been drilled in the centre of the bracket plate at the rear of the canopy combing and glued in place. A tiny hole was drilled down into the top of the aerial attachment spigot on the vertical tail fin and a small loop fashioned from very fine wire was super glued into it. After the rear canopy was firmly fixed in place the thread was pulled tight through this loop, tied off and permanently fixed with a drop of super glue.

Revell 1/32 Me262 A-1a

Me262 A-1a   SCHWALBE

Messerschmitt 262 A-1a flown by Unteroffizier Eduard Schallmoser, JV 44, München-Riem, Germany, April 20, 1945. Schallmoser was flying this aircraft when he accidentally rammed a P-38 Lightning, slicing its complete tail assembly off with the jet’s starboard wing. Sustaining only light damage, Schallmoser was able to return to base and land safely but I’m not sure whether this aircraft ever flew again.

The seat’s leather cushion was first sprayed matt orange and then carefully shaded with a thin mix of red brown. The deeper creases were then shaded with my black/brown mix. Cracks and scratches were brush painted using straight black and a lighter shade of the original orange. Once dry the cushion was rubbed with my greasy fingertip to give it the leathery sheen. Small wire loops were added to the top of the seat back as attachment points for the safety harness.

Cockpit interior waiting for the addition of instrument panel and safety harness.

Toe straps were added to the rudder pedals. These were made using thin strips of lead foil.

Lots of wiring was added to the back of the instrument panel using various gauges of lead wire.

As I was not sure how much of the wiring was going to be visible it only received a rough coat of yellow. Each separate instrument dial was cut from various decal sheets and added to the individual bezels after the complete panel had been painted.

HGW’s Micro fabric seatbelts and P/E buckles assembled and weathered.

Cockpit tub ready for instillation.

Underneath the cockpit tub with lots of wiring detail added. This area will be visible through the landing gear openings.

The kit’s ring pull handles in the tip of the bullet-shaped Riedel starter engine fairings were removed and replaced with finer scratch-built items.

A push rod was added to the rudder’s offset trim tab using fine brass wire.

If you do not want to build your model with open gun bay and engine cowlings then a fair bit of filling and sanding will be necessary because of the rather poor fit of these parts. Also I was not happy with the uneven contours around the front end of the nose and, again, a lot of filling and sanding was required to make this area look right. The tips of the cannons’ blast tubes were also added.

The emergency canopy release handle was added. This was made from Evergreen plastic strip that was cut and bent to shape.

Initial application of camouflage complete. The colours look very bright in these shots but once matted down and weathered the vibrance was reduced considerably. Also visible in this and the next couple of shots are rows of rivets that were added to the fuselage. I didn’t do any on the wings due to a severe lack of motivation.

Gloss coated with decals applied. The W.Nr. on the vertical tail was made using individual numbers cut from several different decal sheets.

I could not find a decal to match my reference for the tactical number ‘5’ so I drew it free-hand and scanned it into the computer and printed it to the correct size onto self adhesive paper. Using a new very sharp scalpel blade, masks were carefully cut out and the number was sprayed on both sides of the fuselage.

Cockpit interior complete.

In this shot you can see the tiny brass wire hook holding the radio antenna wire, the safety wire holding the open canopy, the locking  handle on the inside of the port canopy frame and the grab handle on the inside of the canopy centre frame.

All the dangly bits ready for installation. Lots of detail added to these parts including hydraulic and pneumatic lines, a new DF loop made from scrap P/E bent to shape, and the brass wire end on the FuG-16ZY antenna mast which is lying on top of the  new pitot tube made out of telescoping brass tube. Also note the authentically hand-painted No.5 on the front nose gear door.















Tamiya 1/48 P-38G Lightning

LOCKHEED P-38G Lightning

This P-38 was assigned to Capt. Bob Petit of the 339th FS/347 FG while operating from Kukum Field on Guadalcanal in 1943. On April 18th of that year Lt. Rex Barber flew this aircraft while taking part in Operation Vengeance. This was the mission to intercept the Japanese flight carrying Admiral Yamamoto. The flight was intercepted over Bougainville Island where Lt. Barber successfully engaged and shot down the G4M ‘Betty’ bomber carrying Yamamoto who was killed in the ensuing crash.

The main assembly of this kit was done by Brett Green. My work started with the painting and addition of wiring to the radio gear using 0.2mm and 0.3mm lead wire.

Red and blue placards were carefully painted on.

In place behind the pilot’s seat.

The super charger/exhaust units. These were first painted silver then sprayed blackish brown. They were then shaded with blacker brown and given a black wash.

Drop tanks painted and weathered.

Undercarriage was first painted silver then given a dirty black wash. Careful shading was then applied using the airbrush. Note also the addition of hydraulic brake lines.

Gear doors were painted silver on the interior and neutral grey on the exterior and then given the same treatment as above.

When these aircraft were shipped overseas certain panel lines were sealed with tape. To replicate the effect left after the removal of this sealing tape, the appropriate panel lines were first sprayed with a lighter version of the main cammo colours and then covered with Tamiya’s 2mm flexible masking tape. Various darker versions of these cammo colours were then sprayed along the edges of the tape.

When the tape was removed the resulting effect was pretty close to my reference pics.

The main colours were then mottled with varying shades of themselves and my black/brown mix.

This and the next shot show various weathering effects including lean exhaust staining, paint mottling and chipping.

The paint used for the exhaust stains is Tamiya XF-55 Deck Tan. The paint chipping was achieved using a very sharp Prismacolor silver pencil.

This shot shows my scratch-built safety harness made using lead foil and fine wire. Also seen attached to the top of the windscreen frame is a small red handle. This was made from the same fine wire as the safety harness buckles and, I think, in reality it was used to adjust the rear view mirror when the canopy was closed. Or I could be completely wrong.

Sealing tape, gun dust and paint chipping effects can be seen in this shot.

Exhaust staining on the tail fins.

Brett’s fantastic compilation shot. Ready for Operation Vengeance.